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Training Programs
Communication and Presentation Skills
Effective Business Writing
Most professionals are required to write as part of their job; however, they have not usually been trained as writers, nor do they consider themselves to be writers. They often find drafting, writing, and editing a time-consuming, frustrating and even demoralizing experience.
This course is designed to give participants enough information to survive the writing demands of an average day at work without overwhelming them with unnecessary detail. The overriding goal of this practical training program is to help experienced writers create and edit mistake-free business documents with greater clarity, economy and speed.
What You Will Learn:
How to plan, organize, and structure documents for maximum effect
How to determine the appropriate language, style, and tone for each document
How to use clear and concise language
How to avoid major grammatical errors
How to reduce the time spent preparing and writing documents
How to proofread your own material and collaborate with others to create clear documents
The basics of punctuation, grammar and spelling
How You Will Benefit:
By remembering to write with a purpose and for a specific audience
By mastering the basics of plain language
By learning how to avoid common mistakes of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage
By formulating different writing styles for different types of business documents
By avoiding careless and embarrassing mistakes through the use of effective editing and proofreading
By making your writing more readable and understandable
Who Should Attend:
This course is geared toward those who consider themselves decent writers. This is not a remedial course, but rather a refresher program to help hone the writing skills of executives and anyone else involved in creating, editing or revising business documents.
Program Length: One Day with a Half Day Follow-up Session or Two Days
Complementary or Add-On Programs:
1) Conducting Productive Meetings
2) Really Effective Scientific and Technical Presentations