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Personal and Professional Development
Customer Elation: Serving Customers With Class
To serve external and internal customers, handle vendors and work with industry partners successfully, you must become proficient at communicating your needs, listening to the other person's needs, and then serving those needs in a mutually beneficial way. And, you have to be consistent day in and day out. It might sound like a lot to ask, since all customers were not created equal. But, with some guidance and training, anyone can learn to make all of their customers "elated" customers.
What You Will Learn:
· How to listen to the needs and expectations of your customers
· How to ask questions to get to the root of your customer's pain
· How to serve your customers with class and respect regardless of their problems
· How each interaction with your customers affects the reputation of your organization
· Techniques that will save you and your customers time and minimize frustration
· How to consistently deliver excellent service that can be measured and improved upon
· How to deal with different types of people and meet their unique needs
· How an elated customer is always better than a merely satisfied customer
How You Will Benefit:
· By building a reputation of excellence for your organization
· By solving problems faster and more accurately for your customers
· By learning to enjoy serving customers rather than dreading it
· By improving your listening and questioning skills
· By learning that what goes around comes around when you treat customers with respect and class
· By learning new ways to monitor and measure the service to your customers
· By understanding the immediate and long-term value of quick turnaround of phone calls, promises to customers and other customer service "must do's"
Who Should Attend:
Any employee who interacts with customers and those responsible for making customer service an excellent experience should enroll in this program. Executives, managers and administrative employees should all apply.
Program Length: Half, One or Two Days
Complementary or Add-On Programs:
1) Introduction to Negotiation
2) Interpersonal Dynamics
3) Memory and Listening Development