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Leadership Skills
Shackleton of the Antarctic and Your Leadership Journey
Imagine being stranded in the frozen Antarctic with your crew of 27 men all looking to you for a way out. Your ship has been crushed by the ice, and stores of food are running low. There will be no help coming. On top of that, some of the team are disgruntled, and some openly rebellious.
Would you do what Ernest Shackleton did in 1915 - get the team working together towards a goal, creatively use what resources you have, and find a solution when there seems to be no solution?
Shackleton faced many of the same problems encountered by managers today. He needed to bring diverse people together to work as a team. He was forced to change his goals and convince his team to support the new goal. He struggled with limited resources and no outside support. He was faced with dissidents and rebels among his crew, and needed to find ways to minimize their influence while keeping team morale high.
How did he do it? How did he inspire total loyalty in his team? How did he personally cope with the stresses of leadership under such difficult circumstances? Shackleton of the Antarctic and Your Leadership Journey explores these issues, and shows participants how to incorporate elements of his style into their own leadership journey.
What You Will Learn:
· The story of Shackleton and the Endurance expedition (video)
· Why Shackleton's leadership style was so effective
· What elements of your leadership style you want to develop further
· Why optimism is such a valuable tool for leaders
· How to keep team morale high
· What and how to communicate to employees
· What to say when you present your leadership message.
How You Will Benefit:
· By learning about an inspiring, true life story that exemplifies good leadership
· By gaining clarity on areas of your leadership style you need to develop further
· By articulating your leadership message - your teachable point of view
· By knowing what and how to communicate to employees
· By knowing how to foster a team spirit - even in times of difficulty
· By knowing how to get the best from each person on your team.
Who Should Attend:
Anyone who manages other people: supervisors, team leaders, managers, and senior managers.
Program Length: One Day
Complementary or Add-on Programs:
1) Introduction to Motivation
2) Positive Influence and Persuasion Skills