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Nancy Rosenshine
Nancy Rosenshine brings nearly 40 years of experience in training, facilitation, and organization development to Benchmark Training. In addition to her expertise in leadership, management, supervision, mentoring and interpersonal skills training, she specializes in management and leadership development; equal employment opportunity, diversity awareness and management, and prevention of sexual harassment and workplace violence.
Since January 1997 through the present time, she has conducted training in EEO/Diversity Awareness for the Department of State's Foreign Service Institute. She also developed a series of advanced diversity training modules for integration into the Institute's training program for foreign- and civil-service personnel. She developed and delivers a course curriculum on Running Effective Meetings for the Institute. Ms. Rosenshine facilitated learning teams for MITRE Corporation's Management Development Program and served the USDA Graduate School's New Leader Program. She also serves as adjunct faculty for the Graduate School's Aspiring Leaders Program and SES Candidate Development Program and has conducted special sessions for the Executive Leader Program and the Executive Potential Program. Ms. Rosenshine also works with the Graduate School's National Capital Training Center, the Northeast Regional Training Center, and Special Programs. She conducted extensive interventions with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Office of the Inspector General. She led diversity training for all managers and supervisors of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. She conducts training in effective presentations and instructor development for the Department of Transportation's National Highway Institute and the Office of Motor Carriers. She also traveled to Camp Zama, Japan, where she designed and trained a cadre of facilitators for the U.S. Army's Consideration of Others program. She performed organization interventions and retreats with Fresh Fields-Whole Foods Markets, Inc. and the United Auto Workers/Ford Motors diversity consortium. She is co-producer of an innovative video and accompanying materials on an original model, entitled The Translucent OrganizationT. She also co-designed the accompanying 360° Multi-Source Feedback Inventory (MSFI) and an organization assessment tool. She serves as a senior associate consultant for Finamore and Associates and Social Solutions, L.L.C.
Ms. Rosenshine conducted a comprehensive assessment and intervention in managing differences and conflict management for the Division of Student Services of Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland. She also provides training in EEO, sexual harassment, and diversity awareness and management for the National Archives and Records Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Candidate Development Program of the Senior Executive Service. She recently developed modules on Resilience and Emotional Intelligence for the Graduate School, USDA and other federal, corporate, and non-profit organizations.
As Vice President for Training and Development of NOVA Research Company from 1988 to 1995, Ms. Rosenshine led the development of the AIDS Prevention Model: Reaching Women at Risk and its companion training curricula. She recruited and led a large training cadre in disseminating the Model throughout North America, and in Africa and Latin America. She served as co-principal investigator on a multi-site pilot test of the Model. She continues her association with NOVA as an external consultant.
Nancy continues her career as a trainer and organization development consultant in leadership development, stress management, EEO, diversity awareness and management, prevention of sexual harassment and workplace violence, cross-gender and cross-cultural communication, managing differences, team building, coaching and mentoring, conflict management, and change management. She is a founding member of an ongoing professional development group focused on self-examination regarding diversity issues. Most recently, Nancy organized a multicultural group engaged in development of a Non-Traditional Leadership Institute.
Ms. Rosenshine prizes continuous learning, relies on the expertise of her clients in seeking solutions, and believes that work and learning should be fun. She holds a B.A. in Journalism from Duquesne University and a Masters Degree in Organization Development from Johns Hopkins University, where she also completed a Hopkins Fellowship in Change Management. She is a past recipient of the USDA Graduate School's Outstanding Faculty Award.